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Bone Grafting

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a procedure designed to restore lost bone in the jaw, which is often necessary before dental implants can be placed. This process involves taking a small piece of bone from another part of your body or using synthetic materials and placing it in the area where bone loss has occurred. Over time, the grafted bone fuses with the existing bone, creating a strong foundation for dental implants or other restorative procedures.

Why Choose Bone Grafting?

Bone loss in the jaw can occur due to various reasons, including periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth loss. Without sufficient bone density, dental implants may not be successful, as they require a stable foundation for support. By opting for bone grafting, you can improve the success rate of dental implant procedures and ensure long-term stability and functionality for your replacement teeth.

The Bone Grafting Procedure

During the initial consultation at Southend Avenue Dental Practice, our experienced dentists will evaluate your oral health and determine if bone grafting is necessary. If deemed suitable, the procedure will be scheduled. First, the area requiring grafting will be prepared, and the grafting material will be placed. Over the next several months, the grafted bone will integrate with the existing bone, creating a sturdy base for future dental work.

Recovery and Aftercare

Following bone grafting, it’s essential to follow our dentist’s instructions for optimal healing. You may experience some swelling or discomfort initially, which can be managed with prescribed medications. It’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices and attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Our team at Southend Avenue Dental Practice will be with you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth recovery process.


How long does it take for the grafted bone to integrate fully?

The integration process can vary from patient to patient but typically takes several months. Our dentists will monitor your progress and provide guidance on when you can proceed with further dental work.

Is bone grafting a painful procedure?

While you may experience some discomfort during and after the procedure, our team will ensure you are as comfortable as possible. We utilise local anesthesia and can provide sedation options for patients who may feel anxious.

Are there any risks associated with bone grafting?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, such as infection or graft rejection. However, these risks are minimal, and our experienced dental professionals take every precaution to ensure your safety and well-being.

How soon after bone grafting can I get dental implants?

The timeline for receiving dental implants after bone grafting depends on individual healing and bone integration. Typically, patients can expect to wait several months before implants can be placed. Our dentists will assess your progress and determine the optimal timing for implant placement.

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